Raising Active Kids: Tips for Busy Parents #Millionhoursofjoy

In partnership with Reima Kidventure #Millionhoursofjoy campaign

In a world where constant connectivity and screens have become king, how can we inspire our kids to move more? Especially since society is creating parents who are constantly exhausted as well?

While it’s easier said than done, the truth is that many of us parents are busy trying to create blankets of security around our kids. This means piling on work responsibilities and other commitments that we ultimately do for our kids. Now, children’s clothing brand Reima is challenging us to help our kids move more and not only that, make it a joyful experience as well. Beyond signing kids up for organized activities such as gymnastics, football, and dance, the goal is to make being active so organic, intrinsic, and joyful that it isn’t only associated with “I must do this” but rather, “I want to do this!“.

In essence, we want to raise children who are so comfortable being active that they actually feel impatient (I know, impatient toddlers, yikes!) if they are not getting some form of activity in every day.

Five Tips for Busy Parents

So if you’ve got toddlers like I do, here are five quick tips for busy parents who really do have to work super hard to support their family yet need to make sure they get as much activity as possible:

1 –  Chase ’em – Every little bit helps when it comes to activity and while dinner is cooking in the oven, why not chase your kids around the house? It’s time for us to stop being uptight about order (sometimes!) and just let kids be kids around the house.

2 – Create games – This could be anything fun like counting squats and hops to actually tracking it more competitively. Kids love make-up games so try to weave in a little bit of movement in the ones you play.

3 – Make chores fun – My kids hate cleaning their room, but once I start singing our “clean up” song, they chime in, start singing along, and start cleaning their room. This is just one extra way of sneaking activity in. Having kids help you with household chores in a fun, engaging way.

4 – Join organized activities – Yes, this is about the easiest way you can get your kids moving by dropping them off so sign them up for classes, whether it’s gymnastics, swimming, dance, or football, to name a few.

5 – Re-prioritize – The reason we work so hard is so that our kids won’t lack for anything. But what they will lack is enough time to play with us and just be kids. So the most crucial step towards raising active kids is re-prioritizing how we allocate our time. At the end of the day, kids don’t care if they’re eating plain bread and butter or a nice steak. What they do care about is that they’re eating it with you.

About Reima Kidventure

Founded in 1944, Finnish clothing company Reima is a global leading brand which creates functional kids’ wear for ages 0 to 12. Its mission is to encourage children to “discover the joy of movement” while providing high quality, functional, and sustainable gear for active kids.

The goal of Reima’s global Kidventure campaign is to log 1 million hours of “active joy” using ReimaGO, which combines wearable technlogy with mobile apps and kids’ clothing. Kids have their own activity sensors which they wear as wristbands and the app helps track how many hours of activity they log.

We all want our kids to grow up active and healthy. When kids learn the importance of activity, they are more likely to also be active when they grow up…Reima

You can sign up for the challenge and log your children’s activity hours for a chance to win a one-week family trip to Finnish Lapland. So, watch the video below and be inspired to get your kids moving!

While this is a paid collaboration with Reima, as always, all thoughts, opinions, and content I share on here are my very own.
