Moving at the speed of slow

“Fast thinking is your autopilot – your automatic responses that dictate your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Slow thinking is what happens to you when you turn off your autopilot.”… Geir Berthelsen

On moving at the speed of slow…

While researching sources for an article on slow travel for a different publication, I came across the think tank World Institute of Slowness founded in 1999 by Norwegian Geir Betherlsen with the distinct aim to change the way people think about values, speed, and their approach to work and life.

Slowness, which we at the institute describe as ‘non-linear time’, is the opposite of normal chronological time. Whereas chronological time frantically pulls us forward into a future that never seems to arrive, slowness enables us to live in the moment and to experience the here and now,” shares Berthelsen.
Intrigued, I naturally reached out for an interview which became an illustrated feature in the September 2018 of Norwegian Airlines’ in-flight magazine. While my life might seem full throttle on the surface because I do so much and create so much, I’m a huge advocate for slow travel and finding your own perfect balance – lagom – in life. So in essence, I’ve found my own personal speed in life and I’m much better at knowing when to shift gears to the speed of slow.
Without giving too much away, here is the intro to the piece which is one of my favourite interviews this year:
Geir Berthelsen wants you to slow down. Right now. Stop whatever you’re doing, take a deep breath, and wrest back control.
“Don’t live life as if you’re afraid of being late to your own funeral,” says the founder of The World Institute of Slowness (WIS), whose business card is a three-minute hourglass that recipients can use when they need to pause.

Anything that can be digitalized will be digitalized in the future. This is what our emphasis on speed – fastness – currently requires. So, Berthelsen believes that the greatest value will be placed on things we can’t digitalize – because there are no algorithms for human imagination, personal purpose, intrinsic creativity, and love.

If you’re flying Norwegian Airlines this month, be sure to pick up a copy and read my feature titled “A brief history of slow“.