Remember that vignette I was filming in collaboration with National Geographic Channel and South African Tourism? Well, the official press release has been issued and now I can share with you all that it’s now live – both on TV and online at Through The Lens. A few people have already seen it air on Nat Geo TV but both the hubby and I are still on the lookout here in Sweden.
At the time I went to South Africa, my daughter had just turned seven months old and being away from her halfway across the world, especially at that age, was definitely emotional. But I hope she’ll be proud of me once she’s old enough to understand and care.
Needless to say, I’m ecstatic and honored so please excuse the self indulgent photo montage above. Check out the one-minute vignette below. You can also view it directly on the official Through the Lens website alongside fellow photographers Heather Perry, Stephen Alvarez, and other legendary Nat Geo photographers.