Every year, I pick out a focus word. A word that governs various aspects of my life that year in lieu of resolutions. My previous words have been focus (2009), discipline (2010), growth (2011), nurture (2012), surrender (2013), challenge (2014), connect (2015), strength (2016), self-care (2017), evolve (2018), simplify (2019), energy (2020), release (2021), and structure (2022).
If you read my recap of 2022 where I dropped a major life announcement, you’ll know I’m starting 2023 in a new headspace. One that will bring more intentionality in the way I choose to move, show up, and navigate life.
It has taken a lot of digging into my emotional well to get to this place. This space where my focus word seamlessly surfaced all the way back in September. The minute that word came into view, I instantly knew it was mine.
I needed it to be my focus word for 2023.
Last year’s word was structure, and I did bring lots of structure in many ways, while failing at it in others. Besides disciplined exercise and stronger daily routines (failed these two), I did almost all I said I would do. I built the team muscles behind my companies and projects, tightened boundaries, cut off time-wasting assignments, and protected my energy.
But my new transitions – both professionally and personally – were calling me to a greater purpose. They were pulling me towards an uncomfortable change required to fully step into my power.
“Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off.”
So with that said…
My focus word is… GRACE
Here are some definitions I found while scouring the web:
- simple elegance – willingness to move through life with harmony, presence and alignment.
- refinement of movement. ease and suppleness of movement or bearing
- a divinely given talent or blessing.
- a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal.
- a period of time left or allowed before something happens or before something must be done.
- the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful
What an exquisite word!
Grace has so many manifestations that will push me to my higher self in 2023. In a few words, here is how I plan to let all six manifestations flow gracefully through all aspects of my life.
1) “simple elegance – willingness to move through life with harmony, presence and alignment.”
If it doesn’t align with my purpose or energy, I won’t be in those places, spaces, and relationships.
2) “refinement of movement. ease and suppleness of movement or bearing”
Choosing the quality of how I fully show up in all I do. Moving with intention in a smooth and relaxed way.
3) “a divinely given talent or blessing.”
Using God’s gifts in my life as a storyteller and artist to keep creating work that makes others feel fully seen and less alone.
4) “a short prayer of thanks said before or after a meal.”
Moving with a spirit of abundance and gratitude before, during, and after every metaphoric meal and provision in my life.
5) “a period of time left or allowed before something happens or before something must be done.”
Giving myself all the time and care I need to move through this season of my life at my own pace.
6) “the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.”
Being thoughtful in my words and considerate in my delivery. Taking up space with full presence.
Manifesting grace in my character trait means manifesting love in all I do, including bestowing mercy, walking in kindness, never dimming my light, and letting the deep beauty within continue to surface.
When grace speaks, every step taken by man is ordered by God
– source